Eat to Live: New Ideas on Preventing Diabetes


By Pramod Kulkarni

Houston:  It is commonly understood that the South Asian community’s dietary habits leaves a lot to be desired. As a consequence, we’re susceptible to  Type 2 diabetes. A possible solution may be at hand.

A retired physician, who practiced in Lake Jackson, Texas, has authored a book on how to shape your diet and the habit of eating to develop a healthy lifestyle, and possibily, prevent disabetes or reverse its impact.

Dr. John M. Poothullil, MD, FRCP, has furnished a review of his book in a conversational format:

What is different or new in your book about type 2 diabetes?
Diabetes is viewed as a hormonal disease caused by the occurrence of insulin resistance. Is this theory correct? Normally, the logic, mechanism and measurement are required to validate a scientific concept. Insulin resistance theory does not fit this scientific requirement.

For example, it is not logical that out of 200 types of cells in the body, only three types of cells—muscle, liver and fat—become resistant. Also, considering that the liver has about 240 billion cells, how do some women develop gestational diabetes, in which at least 20% of their liver (approximately 40-50 billion cells) must become resistant?

It is claimed that the placenta releases an agent that causes insulin resistance. Yet, no one has identified this agent. Furthermore, how can the responding cells at only three sites in the body understand the message? And then, after being insulin resistant for about eight months, pregnant women regain sensitivity to insulin within four days after delivery.

No one knows the mechanism of this amazing flip-flop, and there is no test to measure the degree of resistance. In short, based on logic, mechanism, and measurement, insulin resistance is a bogus concept.

What is your theory about the cause of diabetes?
My theory begins with the fact that the body’s cells are like a hybrid car; they can burn glucose OR fatty acids as a normal metabolic process. The body breaking down the triglycerides and burning the resulting fatty acids in muscle is what leaves glucose in your bloodstream, creating high blood sugar and diabetes. The triglyceride production happens when you overconsume grains and grain-flour products, which is happening in much of the world. This is far more logical than sudden insulin resistance in only three types of body cells.

It is believed that diabetes can be controlled, but you suggest that it can be reversed, how?
It is absolutely possible to lower blood sugar and reverse diabetes even in people, who are already using insulin. By losing sufficient weight through avoidance of the very foods that fill up your fat cells—i.e., grain-based complex carbohydrates—you create space for the circulating fatty acids to be stored as fat. Your body will therefore switch back to burning the glucose as its main source of fuel and you can maintain normal blood sugar by continuing to avoid the consumption of grains and grain-based foods on a regular basis.

Does your book recommend a special diet or are you selling any types of foods?
My book does neither of these, as my belief is that everyone has a natural mechanism to acquire nutrients needed in the body on a timely basis. My philosophy is that every individual needs to learn how to listen to his or her body. I explain in my book Eat, Chew, Live how everyone can learn to listen closely to their brain’s natural signals of hunger and satiation and override the bad eating habits they formed over time due to stress, social pressure, and the mass marketing of unhealthy foods.

The book was judged as the winner of the Beverly Hills Book Award in the Diet & Nutrition category.