Houston, We Have Holi!


By Malay Vyas
HOUSTON: Spring is in the air and after the grey and cold winter that we have had, Houstonians are ready for warmth, color and fun. Sunil and Sandhya Thakkar and the Masala Crew are ready and welcome you to celebrate one of the most anticipated events on the Houston festivities calendar – AAPKA COLORS Houston Holi – A Festival of Colors – brought to you by Masala Radio along with Tara Energy. This year features an exciting concert with Pop Star RAGHAV.  Originally scheduled for March 23, the event was moved to the official rain date of SUNDAY MARCH 30 due to weather.
The word ‘Holi’ is derived from the word ‘Holika’, the evil sister of King Hiranyakashyapu, the demon king. Mythological stories narrate how the King’s son Prahlad disagreed with the King and remained devoted to Lord Vishnu. In doing so, he incurred his father’s wrath and was subject to severe punishment but Prahlad remained safe. Eventually his Aunt Holika tricked him into sitting on a pyre with her. Holika had a cloak to protect her from the fire but Prahlad did not. As the pyre was engulfed in flames, the cloak flew from Holika to Prahlad and Prahlad was saved. Vishnu appeared in the form of Narsimha (half lion haf man) and killed Hiranyakashipu. The fire on the day of Holi represents this story from the Hindu scriptures. In Northern India, Holi is also observed to celebrate the love of Radha and Krishna. The timing of the festival also coincides with arrival of Spring. The day after Holi is ‘Dhulendi’ or ‘Dhuleti’ – the day of color.
On Sunday March 30, Houston will celebrate both Holi and Dhulendi on the same day. Traditionally, the colors used are organic “gulaal” (red powder) and “abir” (white powder) along with water. Rosenberg’s Seabourne Creek Park has seen record breaking attendance numbers over the last three years and this event in 2014 promises to be even bigger with forecasted 0% Rain and Full Day of Sunshine! There will be something for everyone, including Holi Pragtya, Keemat Kids Rides, SKAI Rath Yatra, New York Life Matki-Phod and of course, the popular Aling’s Rain Dance.
Houston, we have Holi… infact we have the biggest Holi in North America. Come celebrate life in true Masala Colors at Seabourne Creek Park in Rosenberg on March 30 from 12-5PM.  Full Event Details, Map, Parking, Layouts and Enterainment Schedule on HoustonHoli.com or facebook/Houston Holi.