IIT Bombay Celebrates Prof. N.R. Kamath’s Hundredth Birth Anniversary

PROF. N R KAMATH IIT Bombay 1958 to 1974

IIT Bombay 1958 to 1974

HOUSTON: IIT Bombay (IITB) alumni and staff will be celebrating their beloved late Professor and Deputy Director’s Hundredth Birthday on September 6, at the IITB campus.

Prof. Kamath had a profound impact on the lives of so many of his students at University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT), and at IIT Bombay. To honor Prof. Kamath, IITB alumni have collaborated to set up a named chair professorship. This endowment will enable to supplement the stipends for visiting professors, especially those from USA and Western Europe.

According to Alumni Dean, Chair of the Chemical Engineering Department, and other key members of IITB, one of the biggest needs to maintain IIT Bombay’s position amongst global premier engineering colleges is have such visiting professors.

Additionally, according to Dipak Himatsingka, (aka Glinka 1967, Hostel 6), who is chairing the endowment efforts, an estimated Rs 6 crore (US$1Million) will be needed. He recently mentioned that Rs 1.5 crore has already been raised. The target date for completion of this endowment is August 31, 2015.

For information on Prof. Kamath’s Birth Centenary celebrations, visit: http://www.che.iitb.ac.in/online/node/5111

For information on Prof. N.R. Kamath Chair Professorship, please see: www.iitbombay.org/chapters-and-events/reunions/nr-kamath-chair-professorship/fund-raising-1

In the US, several alumni are coordinating these efforts. These are: Ravi Singhania (1967, rsinghania@comcast.net ); Sudhir Golikeri (1968, sgolikeri@gmail.com); Shiv Mathur (1967, shivmathur@ix.netcom.com); Dwarika Agarwal (1965,dagarwal@comcast.net); Arun Dravid (1966, arundravid1@gmail.com); and Naren Manocha ( 1967, nkmanoch@gmail.com)

Contact them for further information.