Indian Woman Arrested at DFW Airport for Abducting Her Child

Dean Drees reunites with his son, Drew, July 9 at Dallas-FortWorthInternationalAirport. Drew's mother, Padmashini Drees, kidnapped him and took him to India for the past eight years, according to police. (MPD courtesy photos)

Dean Drees reunites with his son, Drew, July 9 at Dallas-FortWorthInternationalAirport. Drew’s mother, Padmashini Drees, kidnapped him and took him to India for the past eight years, according to police. (MPD courtesy photos)

By News Dispatches, Indiawest 

Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas — An Indian woman was arrested here when she arrived at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport eight years after she apparently forcibly took her son away to India and brought him back again, according to an IANS report.

Drew Dees, now 10, was reunited July 9 with his father, Dean James Drees, at the airport in Texas eight years after he left the U.S. with his mother, the McKinney Courier-Gazette reported July 19….

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