Sri Gaura Purnima Festival at the Gaudiya Matha Temple
HOUSTON: Sri Govindaji Gaudiya Matha celebrated Gaura Purnima over the last two weekends to honor the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu – who appeared 500 years ago in Bengal. The Supreme Lord Krishna incarnates in every yuga to annihilate the demoniac and deliver the devout. However, in His special form as Sri Caitanya, Krishna came to annihilate the ‘demoniac tendencies’ in everyone’s heart by teaching them how to love God by chanting His Holy Names. It is described in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita:
“Sri Krishna’s desire to appear was born from two principal causes. He wanted to taste the sweet essence of the liquid mellows of divine love (prema-rasa), and He wanted to propagate bhakti in the world on the platform of spontaneous attraction (raga-marga).Thus He is known as rasika-shekhara, the topmost relisher of transcendental mellows, and as parama-karuna, the most merciful of all.”
Sri Caitanya has been hailed as the most merciful incarnation because He freely distributed the love of God to everyone without any consideration of caste, community, social or religious status of the person. Sri Caitanya and His closest associates travelled all over India spreading the message of pure love and devotion. Many scholars of the Hindu renaissance and its renewal of Vedic culture trace it to the presence of Sri Caitanya half a millennium ago. He predicted that one day the Holy Names of Krishna will be chanted in every town and village of the world. And today that prophecy has come true as many great spiritual teachers in His line have spread His message all over the world.
One of them is our founder, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, who travelled to over 50 countries introducing the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to thousands and thousands of people. (Several of his lectures are available on
The devotees spent an entire week cleaning and decorating the temple for this special festival. The program started with singing of beautiful bhajans and kirtan glorifying Sri Caitanya. The highlight of the program was the presentations by the Bhakti Gurukula (Sunday School) children who have been learning about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this semester. This included sloka recitations, power point presentation and narration of Mahaprabhu’s pastimes. Vishnu prabhu explained the reasons of Mahaprabhu’s appearance and also invited different children to speak. It was wonderful to see such poised, confident and articulate youth. Abhishekam of the Lord was performed while the conch-shell was blown accompanied with melodious kirtan. Maha-aarti was performed at sunset followed by a truly sumptuous feast. Over three hundred devotees attended the programs on March 16 and March 23. The program was broadcast live on radio.
The presiding Deities at the temple are: Sri Radha Govindaji; Sri Gaura Nitai and Sri Sita Rama Laksmana Hanuman. There are six regular aarati and darshan every day. Visitors are warmly welcomed and are especially encouraged to attend our Sunday services. You will find traditional Vedic teachings, worship and values in an American setting.
Sri Govindaji Gaudiya Matha temple is located between the Katy Freeway (I-10), the Northwest Freeway (290), and Highway 6. Every Sunday we have: bhajans and kirtan at 5 PM; Hari kathaa (English) at 5:45; sandhyaa aarati at 7:00 PM; and delicious healthy prasadam afterwards. Gurukula for children in grades K-12 is at 5:45. Hindi classes are at 4 PM.
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(832) 464-4686