Dr. Krishna Dronamraju Honored at Oxford University, U.K.
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HOUSTON: Dr. Dronamraju, President of the Houston-based Foundation for Genetic Research, was recently honored at Oxford University in Great Britain. Oxford University Press, a branch of the University, published his latest (and 20th) book: “popularizing science: The Life and Work of JBS Haldane”.
The Press organized a reception and book signing in Oxford for Dr. Dronamraju, which included a discussion about the book by his friend Sir David Weatherall, Founder and Director of the Weatherall Institute at Oxford University. The book is a chronological biography of the great British polymath, J.B.S. Haldane, who was Dr. Dronamraju’s mentor.
Besides being a brilliant scientist, Haldane led an exciting, colorful life which makes him an ideal subject for a biography. Descended from Scottish aristocracy, Haldane was the son of John Scott Haldane, an eminent Oxford University physiologist, who taught his son the principles of scientific experimentation from an early age. The younger Haldane grew up to be a famous scientist without an academic degree in science. All his scientific knowledge was self-taught. Another aspect of Haldane’s life were a series of experiments in physiology when he tested the effect of breathing various poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide upon his own body in tightly sealed metallic chambers. The results are of great importance to underwater diving as well as space flight. They were dangerous experiments which required much courage. In his last years, Haldane moved to India and died in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He became an Indian citizen, shortly before his death.
Dr. Dronamraju is a Visiting Professor of the University of Paris and the Albert Schweitzer International University in Geneva. He was an advisor to the U.S. Government in Biotechnology, and DNA technology. He received the Nayudamma Prize in science, and the National Research Service Award of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service. He is the author of over 20 books and 200 research papers in Genetics and Biotechnology.