Masterji Indravadan Trivedi’s Award & Movie “Jai Ho Mother India”

By Jawahar Malhotra

An Appreciation Award from the Sewa Manota Dharma Center presented to Indravadan Trivedi by Ft Bend Commissioner Pct 3 Andy Meyers this past week.

SUGAR LAND: Not one to let age slow him down, Indravadan Trivedi, the celebrated classical Indian dancer, dramatist, painter, Hindu priest and environmentalist has added movie producer and director to his accomplishments with the release of his short 20-minute film “Jai Ho, Mother India”.

As creativity is his mainstay, just two years ago, Masterji (as he is fondly called by his Houstonian admirers) had completed a trip to north and west India on a multi-city trek to spread knowledge about his “Go Green” initiative. It was an ambitious plan to “raise self-awareness of one’s place in the world and impart practical spiritual education,” explained Masterji, “distilled from years of my own experiences and knowledge.”

He has captured the same traditional Indian values of selflessness, discipline, duty to oneself and others and family cohesion in the movie, which stars Ila Joshi as the grandmother, Masterji and 17 others and was made in Houston. The plot centers around a grandmother – Dadi maa – who comes to stay with her son’s family in the US and teaches these values to her grandkids, the young girl doctor later becoming a doctor. Parts of the movie were filmed at the Kavi Sammelan with Masterji reciting a poem.

Even though his legs are not the same and he uses a cane, his portly figure and face with a full white trimmed beard poses a striking figure for man of his age. The 77 year-old Masterji received an appreciation award from the Sewa Manota Dharma Center presented to Indravadan Trivedi by Ft Bend Commissioner Pct 3 Andy Meyers this past week.

Masterji will be going to India next week and intends to screen the movie there. His first stop on the occasion of Vasant Panchami on February 3 will be at the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj.