Remembering Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Dear Editor:
Our Indian community will deeply miss longtime Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who passed away at age 74 on July 19th due to pancreatic cancer. Sheila was a cherished friend of our community in Houston, always extending her support even to those outside her 18th Congressional District. She often attended our events, generously bringing and reading Congressional proclamations herself.

One memorable occasion was the dedication ceremony of the Mahatma Gandhi statue in Hermann Park, Houston, Texas, on October 2, 2004. At this event, Sheila highlighted Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence and its significant impact on the global struggle for civil rights. She emphasized the relevance of Gandhi’s principles in contemporary issues and drew parallels between Gandhi’s efforts and the American civil rights movement. Congresswoman Lee praised Gandhi’s legacy and encouraged the community to continue embracing his teachings of peace, justice, and non-violent resistance.

Sheila Jackson Lee’s presence and support have left an indelible mark on our community, and her dedication to the values of peace and justice will always be remembered.

With regards,

Krishna Vavilala