Record Turnout at IACCGH’s 17th Annual Gala
Click here for Photo Collage By Manu Shah HOUSTON: A record turnout of 750 of Houston’s business elites marked the 17th Annual IACCGH Gala held at the Hilton Americas on September 9. Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray and elected officials joined businessmen, entrepreneurs and professionals including for the first time, a 30 member […]
In Aftermath of Orlando Massacre, Turner Calls for Unity at Sister Cities Iftar
By Jawahar Malhotra HOUSTON: The loudest applause of the evening went to Congressman Al Green after he started a fiery and rousing speech – one of his finest – in that loud pulpit voice and drove home his points. “No one, no man who would bar 1.5 million Muslims from entering this country will be […]