The Nuance of Indian Poetry, One Tantalizing Word After the Other!

By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND: Where else could you get an animated story of the battle between tea and lassi (buttermilk) delivered to you in lyrical, rhyming verse? Or the frustrations and challenge of a cop in writing poems, at first rigid and unevoking, later becoming more fantastic and provocative? These aren’t the sort of […]
Kusum Sharma’s Ramleela Reverberates a Quiet Sunday Afternoon

By Vanshika Vipin HOUSTON: Over the period of years Ram Leela has evolved into a highly venerated art form having traveled to far corners of the globe, through Indian Diaspora, not as an act of cultural recovery but as fresh expressions of a persistent faith. Last Sunday, October 9, Houstonians witnessed an awe-inspiring regal dramatic folk […]