Republican Red Tide Upsets Sri Preston Kulkarni’s Bid for TX-22

Houston: Sri Preston Kulkarni’s second attempt to win the TX-22 Congressional District was swept away by an unexpected Red Republican tide. Kulkarni lost to former Sherif Troy Nels by a 44.6% to 51.6%. Democrats in the local Indo-American community put their hearts and souls to help Kulkarni through multilingual phone banking, poll canvassing and literature […]
Ogg is Eager to Transform the DA’s Office and Include Diversity

By Jawahar Malhotra HOUSTON: In Kim Ogg’s quest to become the Harris County District Attorney, the second time was the charm as she hammered in on the issues that she said exposed the bad managerial style of the incumbent DA, Republican Devon Anderson. Two years ago, Andersen beat Ogg in a tussle over substantive policy […]