KTRU Makes Magnificent South Asian Percussion Accessible to All

By Ethan Hasiuk HOUSTON: KTRU Rice Radio hosted “Fantasy of Exotic Drums – Tala Mahotsav” on September 24, on the Rice University campus, bringing an astonishingly comprehensive array of percussion instruments and playing styles with South Asian origins to a diverse group of Houstonians, many of whom were experiencing this art form for the first […]
Free Concert at Rice University on 9/24: Celebrate 24 Years of Rice Radio’s Navrang Show

HOUSTON: KTRU Rice radio turns 50 this year and its most admired specialty show Navrang celebrates 24 years. Indian music on mainstream American network resonates with the progressive and innovative feature of Rice University’s, Rice radio’s ethos. Broadcasting Indian music on mainstream media with other music genres offered Houston’s eclectic music lovers an exclusive opportunity […]