Durga Puja at Vedanta Society of Greater Houston Streamed Online

By Sanchali Basu Houston: As the saying goes, “One has to change and keep up with the times,” Durga Puja at the Vedanta Society of Greater Houston (VSGH) also had to evolve with the times. In this unprecedented year of the COVID pandemic, only volunteers who were directly involved with the Puja were allowed inside […]
Swami Suhitananda, General Secretary Belur Math, Blesses Houston Devotees

By Sanchali Basu HOUSTON: It was an eventful couple of days for the Vedanta Society of Greater Houston (VSGH), when the General Secretary Maharaj of Belur Math, Sw. Suhitanandaji graced the center with his presence along with Swami Sarvadevanandaji, Head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California and Sw Shubhakaranandaji of Belur Math Sept 24th […]