Ragini Bahl Weds Veeral Gajjar

By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND: Most wedding receptions usually feature a slideshow collage of the highpoints in the lives of the newlyweds, from shots of them as tiny tots and racing up through the years till they meet and start dating and spending time together. This couple decided to turn the formula on its head […]
Nikhil Agarwal Weds Naina Prakash
By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND: One can never tell how the meandering road of Life brings two people together. In the case of this couple, you might say that divine intervention played a major role many years ago when Nikhil Agarwal was still a rebellious teenager. “I would go to the Houston Satya Sai Center […]
Anoop Shah Marries Pooja Verma
By Jawahar Malhotra AUSTIN: It was a baraat like no other as the puzzled guests assembled in the foyer of the large ballroom, with the wedding planners “shush-ing” them to keep quiet so that they wouldn’t startle the groom’s steed. “A quiet Indian wedding,” muttered a few. “Unheard of!!” Many impatient minutes later, after the […]
Rachel Rose Rohatgi Weds Ford Rainey
By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND: The skinny groomsman, Kevyn, caught the guests by surprise, as the opening notes of a pop tune engulfed the room, by jumping onstage to do some carefree dance moves. The rest of the groomsmen followed, bursting into an energetic dance line and the bridesmaids jumped followed in for a lively […]