Club 24 + Celebrates 13 Years of Philanthropy

By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND: Over the years, the Club 24 Plus events has not been so much the program that will follow but the anticipation of […]
Club 24+ Celebrates Valentine’s Day with a Bollywood Skit

BY PRAMOD KULKARNI HOUSTON: Club 24+ members were able to get an early start to Valentine’s Day romantic festivities with their annual luncheon on Sunday, Feb. 9 at Magiano’s Italian restaurant in the Galleria. Magiano’s second-floor party room was decorated in the festive Valentine’s balloons and party favors and even small teddy bears on each […]
C24 Plus Toy Drive is a Merry Holiday Affair

Click here for Photo Collage By Jawahar Malhotra HOUSTON: What could be better on an overcast, cold day than a chance to while away the afternoon in the company of like-minded friends? And it is an especially warm coziness when they come together to make a difference in the community they live in. This time […]
Club 24 Plus: Cool Waterfront Party, Cooler Philanthropy

Click Here for Photo Collage By Pramod Kulkarni HOUSTON: Saturday, April 14 was the date for Club 24 Plus annual Evening of Philanthropy. In the morning, the sky was alive with thunderstorms, lightning, and even hailstorms in some areas. Hosts Dr. Kuldip and Veena Kaul were not certain whether to hold the party inside or […]
Club 24 Plus Celebrates Valentine’s Day with Family, Fun and Philanthropy

By Pramod Kulkarni HOUSTON: Sunday, February 11 was a cold, overcast day. Once Club 24 Plus members arrived at Magiano’s in the Galleria in their red and pink fineries, the atmosphere quickly changed to the warmth of a joyous Valentine’s Day celebration. This was the first event of 2018 for President Manisha Gandhi, who took […]
C24+ Philanthropy Under the Arc of a Rainbow

Click here for Photo Collage By Jawahar Malhotra KATY: The stage was set for an evening of socializing and handing out donations to deserving organizations, with black tablecloths and white linen draped chairs, all centered around the pool and a small stage set up for the occasion. But the weather had other plans, […]
Vegas Comes to Club 24+ and Makes Diwali an Extravaganza

Click here for Photo Collage By Jawahar Malhotra SUGAR LAND, TX: You could hear the Elvis impersonator crooning in the backyard from the street side of the house where the valet parking attendants took the car. He certainly sounded like the real thing but you couldn’t tell if it was a CD rolling out or […]