IACF’s New Leadership to Work on 3 Es: Energize, Expand and Empower

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SUGAR LAND: The Indo-American Charity Foundation (IACF) held its first Board meeting of 2016 on January 14 at the Madras Pavilion (MP) soon after the change in its leadership and Executive Committee members. Outgoing president Dr. Kamala Raghavan who ended her term was recognized for her outstanding contribution to the organization’s overall growth and visibility. Nanda K Vura, IACF’s new president welcomed the Board of Directors including the newly joined director Bela Thacker and thanked outgoing members for their contribution.

IACF’s 2016 Executive Committee includes: Outgoing president Dr. Kamala Raghavan, Nanda K Vura, President, Dr. Vanitha Pothuri President-Elect, Alpa Shah, Secretary and Sreeni Nakirekanti, Treasurer.

Before presenting his vision for 2016 and beyond, Vura said he was simply inspired by IACF’s mission statement, “We live here, we give here”, “and I can think of so many ways that I could facilitate this.” He thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to do so as its president.

During the meeting, Vura made a PP presentation outlining IACF’s programs. Broadly, he said they would fall under 3 Es: Energize, Expand and Empower. Maintaining the Charity’s distinctive areas of interest: EFGH: Education, Family, General and Health as its pillars, the 2016 initiatives would expand its core volunteers base, energize its programs with more involvement of the past presidents, former Board members and partnering organizations,  further, empower IACF with effective communication and branding these areas.

A major development in IACF’s path to change was the reviewing of its By-Laws and incorporating valuable suggestions and changes. Vura thanked the By-laws committee members: Dr. Sushovan Guha, Prem Cholia, Dr.Kamala Raghavan and Dr Ramesh Cherivirala for their commitment in getting this done.

The Board resumed its meeting for evening and concluded with dinner at MP.