2016 BITSAA International Houston Chapter Celebrates Bitsian Day
By Nirupam Anand
HOUSTON: A young and enthusiastic alumni group of Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani who call themselves “BITSians” gathered at the Yard House, CityCenter Plaza on Friday Aug.16 to celebrate their annual BITSian Day. The old and young alumni came together and reminisced and rejoiced their good old college days at Pilani. Krishna Vavilala, a senior BITSian of the 1960 class, and a nominee for 2016 BITSAA Distinguished Alumni Award and his wife, Lakshmi Vavilala mingled with the youngsters and exchanged about their campus experiences.
Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences (BITS) Pilani is an Indian university established more than 70 years ago under the Birla Education Trust, in partnership with MIT, Boston. The university is consistently ranked as the top private university in India and has a worldwide Alumni network. BITS graduates usually enroll in top graduate schools like Stanford and often settle in the US boosting the economy as highly qualified immigrants. A sprinkling of Bitsians also enrolls in the University of Houston. The Alumni network BITSAA International contributes significantly to the US economy with several entrepreneurs and professionals ranging from Silicon Valley to Energy executives in Houston.
The Houston chapter, initiated by Krishna Vavilala was formally inaugurated in 2013 by the Consul General of India, Parvathaneni Harish and his wife Nandita. The Chapter continues to play a role in bringing all members of the group together. The Chapter has plans to connect with similar professional groups in the Houston community.
BITSAA International is a 501(c3) non-profit organization registered in USA that represents all BITSians irrespective of the campuses they come from. Besides providing a number of communication channels for Alumni members to stay connected with each other, it engages in charitable and educational activities by raising funds for setting up endowments, creating scholarships, rewarding teaching and research and promoting the development of resources at all of its four campuses at Pilani, Dubai, Goa and Hyderabad.
For more information on how to get involved with BITSAA Int’l, please, visit www.bitsaa.org, or, Email: Nirupam Anand @ nirupam@bitsaa.org.