An Inspiring Evening with Rajshree Patel On “The Power of Vital Force”
Saved under Community, Education, Health, LifeStyle
Tags: Art of Living, Defying Your Limits, Rajshree Patel

Meditation expert Rajshree Patel delivered an inspirational talk on ‘Defying Your Limits’ at Unity of Houston.
HOUSTON: Rajshree Patel, a mind and meditation expert, visited Houston this weekend and delivered a talk titled ‘Defying your Limits’ at Unity of Houston.
Over the last 30 years, Rajshree has traveled to more than 35 countries, taught hundreds of thousands of people the power of meditation, mindfulness, breath work and other ancient tools for accessing the innate source of energy, creativity and fulfillment within.
She has established more than 600 meditation centers across the world and trained thousands of instructors with Art of Living. She has given talks and led programs at organizations like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, NBCUniversal, LinkedIn, Gap and more.
In the session, Rajshree talked about how our mind is our best friend and our biggest enemy and how changing our mindset can help us transform our lives. And the way to bring about this change is by increasing energy or vital force, also known as Prana in Vedanta or Chi in Chinese tradition – that field or force that is within us and around us and fuels everything including life itself.
She also went on give the audience simple yet practical tips to invite Prana or vital force in their lives and also taught them some breathing techniques that can open the doors to living life on their own terms. The talk was attended by around 500 people, who erupted in applause at the end of the session.
Rajshree discusses a lot more about the concept of energy and how it transforms our lives in her upcoming book “The Power of Vital Force” which is now available for pre-order on Amazon (release date 6 August 2019). Pre-orders will receive free, exclusive web content (including a 11 session online program “Mind your Energy” and a live webinar with Rajshree). You can learn more on her website