Annual Speech Contest at Arya Samaj Greater Houston


HOUSTON: Mahatma Gandhi Library held its annual Speech Contest on Saturday, September 28 at Arya Samaj Greater Houston.

To put it mildly the children were impressive.  The topics for the contest were as follows:

Children 10 and Under -Non-violence is bravery

Children 11 and over-Is pen mightier than sword?

Both age groups children had put in their heart and soul into the preparation of their speeches.  Especially the older children had done a lot of research, organization of thoughts and worked diligently on memorizing their speeches.

All present had the same feeling, this was one of the best Speech Contests they had attended.  Even the judges, Dr. Madhusudan Choudhary, Anshuman Desai and Atul Kothari unanimously agreed that they had learned from the children on these topics.

Given below are some of the quotations from the speeches.

Non-Violence and bravery complement each other, like science and math.  You cannot do science without math because you will run into numbers and patterns.

The pen eventually harnesses the sword to its own will thus; the pen is mightier than sword

Edward Bulwar, Lytton, used the phrase “Beneath the rule of Men entirely great, the Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Malaya Yousufzai who was attacked for promoting education in Afghanistan in her speech at the UN at age of 16 said, “The extremists are afraid of pen, and its power frightens them.”

Mahatma Gandhi said,”Man is born free; hence insult to a free man through a law is intolerable.”

To listen to the winning speeches please be sure to attend Gandhi Jayanti celebrations at Miller Outdoor Theatre on Sunday, October 6 from 6 PM to 8 PM.  For further information please visit

Hearty Congratulations to Ravikant Choudhary and Sanjay Jain, Coordinators of 2013 Speech Contest.  Many thanks to Harish Kapoor for taking pictures and Aditya Jain for keeping the time.