Chandni Bhagwanani bags Channel V’s next Jhalli Anjali…


The cute and cuddly looking Chandni Bhagwanani is all set to make her presence felt on the small screen once again with Channel V’s upcoming show Jhalli Anjali Ki Tootey Dil Ki Amazing Story.

As reported earlier, the show is being jointly produced by Rose Audio Visual and lyricist Niranjan Iyengar.

The show will be a finite series of 78 episodes and will be aired bi-weekly (Monday-Tuesday) starting from 28 April 2014 at 5:30 pm.

The story is about Anjali’s break up with her boyfriend and how she deals with her life post that.

Chandni was last seen in Swastik Pictures’ Amita Ka Amit on Sony entertainment Television.

In spite of our repetitive attempts, the actress could not be reached for confirmation.

We also tried contacting producer Shrishti Arya of Rose Audio Visual but she did not revert till the time of filing this story.

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