Club 24 Plus Members Enjoy Casino Royale: 007 James Bond Style

Dressed to kill — the ladies came in their fineries to try their hands at Casino games such as Blackjack, Roulette, and Poker.
CYPRESS: Casino Night brings to mind the exciting Hollywood images of Casino Royale and our intrepid hero: 007 James Bond. While only two of the men of Club 24 Plus were dressed in Bond style tuxedos or white jackets, the women were certainly were dressed to kill. And kill they did at the games of chance. The top chip holders were both women.
The men did partake of the casino games, but indulged in cocktails, both shaken and stirred at the luxurious home of Drs. Vanitha and Bharat Pothuri.

Hosts Bharat and Vanitha Pothuri with past presidents Pradeep Gupta (far left), Founder-Director Ashok Garg, Manisha Gandhi and Vivek Kavadi (far right).

Club 24 Plus members displayed intense concentration at the Blackjack table.