DAV Sanskriti School Annual Day & Arya Yuva Mandal Graduation

Dignitaries with AYM graduates.

HOUSTON: Students, parents, teachers and volunteers of DAV Sanskriti School (DAVSS), and members and well-wishers of Arya Samaj Greater Houston (ASGH) met to celebrate a year of learning. It was also Graduation time for Grade 12 students who completed the last four years under the denomination of Arya Yuva Mandal (AYM). These young blooming students of the DAVSS Sunday school engage in lots of activities that enable them to implement the living values of Sanatan Vedic (Hindu) Dharma in daily life. They also engage in nishkaam seva through volunteering activities that empower them with qualities such as Dhriti (patience), Karunaa (compassion), Dama (self-control), Dhee (wisdom), Dayaalu (benevolence).

The graduating students along with their parents were the Yajmaans of the day, performing Havan under the guidance of Acharya Bramdeo. It was a colorful program with a blend of spirituality and entertainment: Grade 1 and 2 kids reciting mantras and shlokas from the stage, other grades students performing Yoga, Dance, and skits; Grade 6 and 7 students engage in a discussion of Heritage and Culture; and the Graduating students describing the contribution of DAVSS in the making of their personality. AYM highschool graduates received their Presidential Volunteer Service Awards in Gold, Silver and Bronze for the year. The PVSA is a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. Established in 2003, this award honors individuals and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service over the course of 12 months. 

DAV schoolchildren reciting mantras and shlokas.

In the commencement speech, Acharya Ji requested the students to continue nurturing their connection with their roots, sanskriti – culture by living the values and further consolidate their grounding in Sanatan Dharma. After shanti paatha, all guests joined for prasad (lunch).

DAVSS classes for 2024-25 start on Sunday August 11 next with Vedarambh Sanskar (induction to studies).

Online Registration: davss.org/admissions