Dr. Dronamraju to Deliver the Keynote Address at the International Conference on Genomics in Chicago

Dr. Krishna Dronamraju (right) with Dr. James Watson and Mrs. Watson. Dr. Watson received the Nobel Prize for discovering the DNA molecule, Watson-Crick Model.

Dr. Krishna Dronamraju (right) with Dr. James Watson and Mrs. Watson. Dr. Watson received the Nobel Prize for discovering the DNA molecule, Watson-Crick Model.

HOUSTON: Dr. Dronamraju will be delivering the Keynote Address at the 2nd International Conference on Genomics soon in Chicago. He is the President of the Foundation for Genetic Research in Houston, (Website: ww.geneticresearchfoundation.com) and Visiting Professor of University of Paris. The Conference will focus attention on the use of Genomics in Drug development and Pharmaceuticals.