Dr. Subramanium Swamy on ISI/Dawood, Corruption, Narendra Modi

One of the organizers Dharminder Dargan of the speech by Dr. Subramanian Swamy (right) at the Arya Samaj of Greater Houston last Saturday, June 15. Photo: Jawahar Malhotra
HOUSTON: Dr. Subramanium Swamy spoke at the “India at the Crossroads” discussion presented by the Hindu Mahasabha of America, Arsha Vidya Satsanga and hosted by Arya Samaj of Greater Houston. The event was drew in over 200 people including eminent leaders of the local Hindu community.
During his public address, Dr. Swamy spoke about contemporary trends impacting social, religious and political dynamics in India. He mentioned three negative trends and two positive trends that are under focus. One is rampant corruption which is in full swing under the current UPA regime; scams like Coalgate, 2G telcom licenses and Railways which have impeded economic growth and the suspicion of corruption in each and every Central government deal. Regarding foreign investments, he said that more focus is on the production of luxury goods while less investment goes for goods catering to the middle class and the poor.
Moreover corruption fosters black money which is a serious threat to India’s national security. Billions in black money are being routed via Dubai through hawala brokers to international financial safe havens. Since ISI and D–Company have access to Dubai financial systems including hawala brokers, the private financial data (account, amount and final destination) of corrupt ministers is accessible to them. As a result these politicians are fearful of speaking openly and to take stiff action against D–Company or ISI sponsored terrorism and other projects in India, as they fear ISI will expose their black money data.
In addition, many 2G telcom licenses which were given at relatively heavy discounted rates to Indian firms, were later sold to foreign firms, some of which have ISI and Pakistani-Muslims connections, such as how Swan Telecom was later sold off to UAE-based company Etisalat, the majority of whose board members are Pakistani Muslims. Swamy emphasized the fight against corruption has to be started from top executives and the top leadership at Central/State Government offices. If the top leadership is corrupt free, downstream systems and process will fall in line.
Swamy said that people of India are smart enough to understand the problem and the culprits will fight back with strong ballot support for NDA. On the Sanjay Dutt case he said that the court verdict should have been stiffer as supporting the Islamic underworld which resulted in the Mumbai bomb blasts is a heinous crime against the nation. Swamy believes in zero sympathy, zero tolerance political policy for the triple problems of Islamic Terrorism, Maoism and Naxalism.
Another negative trend he mentioned is that of Indian society’s sole focus on becoming more materialistic whereas under Hindu Vedic and Sanatan Dharma the materialist progress of an individual should be kept in balance with social welfare. This trend of having the whole focus for material well off needs to be arrested and diluted.
Another serious challenge is countering rapid conversions which happened in many eastern and southern states, work is underway by by pro Hindu forces to contain such conversions. He stated that the Taliban considers India as an unfinished chapter and is constantly conspiring to create havoc among Hindus and showed the strength of Hinduism which was able to sustain 200 years of Christian rule and 800 years of Islamic rule, still 80% India is Hindu in population.
On Kashmir policy Swamy stated that not a single inch of Kashmir will be ever given to Pakistan and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is an integral part of India. On Bangladeshi Muslim immigration he stated that since 1/3 of Bangladeshis are in India, 1/3 of Bangladesh land should also be integrated with India for equal adjustment or illegal Bangladeshi Muslims should be deported.
But he also saw two favorable trend, one is India’s growing young population which is talented, innovative and with good online education models. Associated employment projects which can educate and employ millions of young Indians wil immensely help the country. On agriculture he said that India is currently optimizing 33% of yield. If India can optimize 100% yield it could grow crops year round and be a global leader in agriculture produce. He said China is running on steroids and the prospective financial breakdown of Chinese economy is near in future. He is optimistic that India can have a growth rate of 12% and can be a developed nation by 2020 under good nationalist leadership.
He requested Hindus to have a positive outlook for the future and not lose hope but make correct moves. He suggested the ideology of keeping national interest above local and regional interest for the upcoming elections. India should check Chinese investment in the Indian Ocean and foster good relations with Israel. For overseas Indians he suggested supporting pro-Hindu organizations and work on projects that weakens political leaders who are corrupt and anti-national.
On the question of Bollywood movie themes that are against Hinduism and Hindu organizations, he said it is an area of concern and should be carefully countered. On Narendra Modi he stressed that with an pro-agenda towards development, good governance and a Hindutva-Narendra Modi led NDA victory is certain in the next general elections.