Facebook lets you prioritise friends on your News Feed
Facebook has updated its controls for the News Feed, allowing users to dictate who they’d like to see stories from first.
You can now select friends and Pages to see at the top of your News Feed. This means that you won’t have to scroll too far to see posts from the people who matter most.
To alter who you see posts from, click the down arrow at the right hand side of Facebook’s top bar where your notifications and friend requests are displayed. Select ‘News Feed Preferences.’ You can then select Pages and friends to see first.
You’ll then see any new stories they’ve shared since your last visit when you log in. These will be marked with a star, so you’ll know why they appear at the top.
Facebook’s News Feed algorithm is shrouded in secrecy, but this should go some way towards making sure you see posts from people who matter most.
Your favourites are kept secret, assuming no one is looking over your shoulder, so there’s no competition for ‘Top Friend’ places like there were back in the days of Bebo or MySpace.
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