Gita Wheels in Values at Chinmaya Prabha Houston
By Padmashree Rao and
Uma Aggarwal
HOUSTON:The Bhagavad Gita and Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda were invoked with a loving Bala Vihar spirit on May 11, at Chinmaya Prabha, Houston. The memorable weekend began with an awe-inspiring Chanting competition on the 11th chapter of the Lord’s Eternal Song and culminated with the “Wheel of Values” – an inaugural activity to celebrate the Chinmaya Birth Centenary celebrations.
In honor of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda whose commentaries and Gita Jnana Yajnas are timeless, Chinmaya Mission Houston has been conducting Gita Chanting Competitions for Bala Vihar children for over a decade. The 2013 Gita Chanting Competition (GCC) showcased Chapter 11, “The Yoga of the Vision of Universal Form,” one of the most challenging chapters with most of its 55 verses quartet-style.
“Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda loved the Bhagavad Gita and children like you. What could be a better birthday gift to him than to hear you all in this Gita Chanting Competition on his birthday?” asked Acarya Darshana Nanavaty during her special address to the children on Saturday, May 11. She said that the participating children were already true winners since they had learned such divine verses.
Even months before the competition, the Sarasvati Nilayam brimmed with the enthusiastic young voices chanting the slokas which describe Lord Krishna’s Visvarupa. Many of the participants took advantage of the special GCC classes by dedicated teachers and were trained in correct chanting style and pronunciation. Over 80 Bala Vihar children, grouped into four levels from kindergarten to high school, participated. Apart from chanting the Sanskrit verses perfectly, the older children explained the meaning of some chosen verses and even had to elaborate on them!
The audience of parents, teachers, and judges were amazed and humbled by the chanting style and sincere expression in the youthful faces. To hear the immortal verses and the description of the Immortal Universal Form was the best prize of that day. Even as the winners were named for each group at the end of the competition and recognized with award certificates the next morning by Acarya Gaurang Nanavaty, the celebrating spirit was shared by all the children and adults.
While the very young preschool children officially do not enter the competition, it does not stop them from eagerly memorizing the difficult verses, just by listening to their siblings. Every year, these youngest toddlers of Bala Vihar captivate everyone when they are invited to chant a few verses. Once again this year, these cute, delightful tots mesmerized the devotees by meticulously reciting the divine words of Lord Krishna uttered more than 5000 years ago!
For their part, the adults also participated, but in a different way. They created posters depicting their main learning points from the eleventh chapter which are displayed alongside the halls of Chinmaya Prabha.
Following the Gita presentations, to celebrate Pujya Gurudev’s Janma Jayanti this year, Acarya Guarangbhai then initiated an introspective activity with a colorfully designed “Wheel of Values.” With the Wheel of Values, one value every month for each session will be chosen to be followed as the “Value for the month.” With the spinning of the wheel and the tinkling of the bells, the values that got chosen for the month of May were “Right” (Session 1) and “Unity” (Session 2). Explaining the initiative, Acarya Gaurangbhai encouraged all members, including the Bala Vihar children, to research/reflect and enhance their respective “Value” throughout the month. To act as a reminder of this Value inculcation movement, the members would use their specially created Cords. As the values became the virtues ingrained in character, life will be blessed by the Wheel of Fortune!
In tune with the global theme of Chinmaya Birth Centenary Celebrations which focuses on an “Event to Movement” approach, the glory of the Gita and Gurudev was set into beautiful motion with the Wheel of Values energizing Chinmaya Prabha Houston.
For more information about Chinmaya Mission Houston, please visit or contact Bharati Sutaria at 281-933-0233.