Happy, Harmonious, Stress Free Living Using Relationship Management Tools Seminar
HOUSTON: The fourth seminar on ‘Happy, harmonious, stress free living’- using relationship management tools seminars were conducted by the South Central Chapter of ‘Holistic Science Charitable Research Foundation’ on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July, 8, 9 and 10 respectively which was very well attended by a cross section of many different professions. Experienced, self-realized, Holistic Inner Science practitioners and interactive expert Deepakanandji Mistry and Rajnikant Patel, retired professional and Children’s books author were the speakers.
Seminar sessions were ‘What is Holistic Science and how it can benefit me in daily life, Effective Relational Management, Workshop and problem solving’.
Salient features:
Holistic Inner science Holistic Inner Science is the science of our own life and living including mind, speech, body intellect, reflective consciousness and ego. It is science to understand the Inner processes which are going on along with the outer circumstances and situations animate, inanimate and the natural regulatory system. It is the science of Me, Me, and Me. The secret is that whatever action of mind, body and speech we use to make others happy is going to make us happy first.
Two golden keys to effectively deal with all situations is Adjust Everywhere and Avoid clashes. One who manages Relations very well is considered Man of Perfection, and a successful person. And Your Perfection is measured by how well you heartily accept and handle imperfections of others!
What are GOOD Relations? When, I don’t hurt anybody’s EGO, I don’t hurt anybody’s RELIGION, I don’t hurt any SPIRITUAL LEADER or MONKS or NUNS, I don’t have DISLIKE or HATRED towards anyone, I don’t hurt anyone through my SPEECH, I am never DISHONEST to my SPOUSE, I eat wholesome balanced DIET, I don’t hurt any LIVING or DEAD, I LIVE with total HUMILITY & DISCRIMINATION free with EVERYONE. Then I am LIVING PERFECTLY…Not to hurt anyone with mind – speech – body!
Problems always arise INSIDE first then it results OUTSIDE. I become Happy or Unhappy because of my inner understanding ONLY. Holistic science says that other Person, cause of my suffering is just a delivery person. I suffered so, I am at fault! I need to feel sorry and correct myself so the Relation Improves!!
What is the Goal of my life? Immediate Goal is to learn to Handle all Relations Positively through Adjust Everywhere an Avoid Clashes and free myself from their obligations. Final Goal is to Know “Who Am I?” The secret Science of accomplishing Goal is to decide firmly every day and it will happen! This is the Secret of Happening!
Some of the workshop queries on clashes and not being able to adjust that were solved were: spouse do not listen, children keeps asking for more and more materialistic things making home atmosphere unhappy, spouse nagging, I want results now, there is lack of communication within the family due to the fast paced busy life, Clashes happen when I do not get my way, too many disagreements with the spouse, other person being possessive, differences in handling the children, nobody understands me and my view points, my expectations are very high, too much stress, very high ego, lack of time etc. The seminars were lively and successful. One comment from the Sunday host was that all throughout there were positive vibrations. All seminars were conducted with eco-friendly consumables, “Go Green”.