Home Run, T20 Style on Svetasvatara Upanisad
Guruji’s Yajna in Houston

His Holiness Swami Tejomayananda, center, the spiritual leader of worldwide Chinmaya Mission, was given a ceremonial reception at Chinmaya Prabha in Houston on July 7 where he completed a week long “Jnana Yagna” on Svetasvatara Upanisad. ” Priest Sri Ganeshji, left, and Acharya Gaurang Nanavaty, right. Photo: Jayesh Mistry
By Padmashree Rao
HOUSTON: With pure Grace, masterly delivery of Knowledge, and an agile sense of humor which kept the audience alert and enchanted, Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda completed his seven-day (July 7 -13) Jnana yajna on Svetasvatara Upanisad at Chinmaya Prabha, Houston.
Guruji introduced the rare Upanisad with a invocative game-plan of a T20 (limited-overs) cricket match which right away became a home run on the Chinmaya Smrti pitch! Young and old listened spellbound as Guruji delivered exquisite strokes of explanations for the 112 verses of the Upanisad; his yajna was an incomparable innings of three lectures everyday for a week.
The subject matter of the Svetasvatara Upanisad is no mere play – the discussion happens among the serious seekers of Brahma Vidya. Yet, Guruji let questions like “What is the Cause of Creation, its nature, and sustaining principle?” and “What is Liberation and the vision of Oneness?” sink into the audience gently and deeply. His simple, direct approach encouraged everyone in the audience to reflect on the difficult existential questions with true enthusiasm.
After Guruji laid out the scenarios of the cause-hunting game, he called attention to how knowledge about Truth was elusive – a game where the seekers themselves need to disappear on a meditative pitch!
The Svetasvatara Upanisad is a mesmerizing combination of supreme knowledge and pure devotion expressed in startlingly concrete imagery. When Existence is probed through intense meditation, the seekers are presented symbolic answers about the fabric of Creation. Guruji, a teacher par excellence, drove home many an answer while explaining Creation as a fascinating Wheel with many spokes and fasteners, all indicating cyclical aspects of life. He made the audience roar with laughter with his collection of ‘Indian truck’ jokes, and then made them plunge into a great river of introspection again about the Truth.
In the later chapters of the Upanisad, Guruji unfolded the vision required to untangle from the delusory web of attachments. His emphasis was on a wiser “outlook to look out,” an ability to see the Oneness that the Upanisad inspired. Guruji described how the unique beauty of the Svetasvatara Upanisad lay in blending a deep faith in God with a pure quest for knowing the Self in One and All.
The jnana yagna was thought-provoking and mind-stilling at the same time. Guruji’s bhajanas touched the soul; his humorous anecdotes made learning delightful and happy; his deep insights stunned the audience. His quote from the Upanisad, ““Sa no budhya subhaya samyunaktu” was a blessing to stay inspired – “May He (God) endow us with noble, auspicious thoughts.” Guruji’s teaching of the Svetasvatara Upanisad at Chinmaya Prabha will be a memory to treasure, revere, and reflect on.
On the evening of July 11, one special feature of the yajna was Guruji’s address to the Houston Bala Vihar children. Guruji spoke to an enthusiastic crowd which ranged from toddlers to teenagers and CHYKs. In harmony with the Upanisadic spirit of the yajna, Guruji recounted a beautiful Puranic story of a boy called Upamanyu who prayed for the “real thing” in life and found it. So, Guruji urged every child and youth to never settle for the false and fleeting; Reality is everyone’s birthright waiting to be claimed. Later that evening, Guruji also spoke to Bala Vihar teachers and conveyed the importance of teaching with deep purpose and love.
The entire week of the jnana yajna was a joint offering at the feet of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda by Chinmaya Houston families. Hosting many respected acaryas from other Mission centers, Acarya Gaurangbhai Nanavaty and Acarya Darshanaben Nanavaty energized many dedicated teams of volunteers who worked together tirelessly in pure joy for the success of the yajna.
For further information on Chinmaya Mission Houston and its activities visit www.chinmayahouston.org or call Jay Deshmukh @ 832 541 0059 or Bharati Sutaria @ 281-933-0233.