India House Distributes Free Food to Needy Families

Photos: Bijay Dixit
HOUSTON: Living up to their mission of serving the community, India House, in collaboration with Houston Food Bank, distributed Free Food (Food produce and Groceries) to 151 needy families of the neighborhood on Tuesday, October 30.
The Mobile unit from Houston Food Bank arrived at India House at 7:45 am. The truck was loaded with large pallets of cereal, vegetables such as potatoes, cabbages, pumpkins, cans of beans, and fruits such as watermelons & pineapples. India House Board /Council members, staff and volunteers joined hands to parcel out groceries to 151 needy families.
India House staff set up an assembly line to bring in the food and organized assorted items into plastic bags for each family. In orderly fashion, the families drove to the side entrance of India House and were helped by volunteers to load the groceries in their cars. Several families did not have cars and either walked back to their neighborhood home or waited for Metro transportation for a ride home.
Col Raj and Mrs. Kanwal Bhalla sponsored this food distribution session and they also volunteered their time to help with the food distribution. Joining them were more than 25 volunteers from diverse sections of the community.
Many of the volunteers were gratified by their charity service and are looking forward to the next monthly food distribution session on November 6th and November 28th from 10 am to 1 pm. Many of the needy families expressed their gratitude to India House, Houston Food Bank and the volunteers.
India House Houston is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization located in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to united cultures, create bridges and serve the community by bringing resources, education, services and Indian culture to Houstonians.