India House Hosts Lecture by World-Renowned Yoga Author Dr. H.R. Nagendra
HOUSTON: Keeping with the tradition of bringing internationally well-known figures to Houston, India House was proud to host a free yoga and jyotish lecture titled “Yoga for Positive Mind & Body” given by Dr. H.R. Nagendra on August 29.
With over seventy-five people in attendance, the lecture was cosponsored by India House, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), and Asia Society Texas Center. Those in attendance included Dr. Nagendra’s colleague, Dr. Alexander Hankey (M.I.T. Theoretical Physics) and Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, Professor and Director of the Integrative Medicine Program at the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Hankey gave a scientific talk with statistical proof on “Astrology and Jyotish” and its influence, connection, and predictability of events and life. Dr. Cohen has done extensive studies on the positive effects of meditation, Tibetan yoga, Patanjali-based yoga, and Tai Chi, among others, on cancer treatment. After an introduction from Dr. Cohen, Dr. Nagendra began his lecture on the positive connection between mind and body from the practice of yoga. Dr. Nagendra is Chancellor of Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (Anusandhana Samsthana or Research Foundation _S-VYASA) in Bangalore. Once a researcher for NASA, he has published many papers on yoga and its applications. He established S-VYASA as a yoga research foundation in 1986, declared a Yoga University on 8/5/11 by Government of India and has been studying and teaching yoga since then.
Following the lecture on the morning of August 30, Dr. Nagendra treated many yoga and jyotish enthusiasts to a public yoga practice in the beautiful surroundings of the Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Many in attendance expressed their interest in having more such events in the future.
Special thanks go to Nalini Mathur for serving as Emcee for the evening, as well as Jugal Malani, President of India House, and Brij Agrawal, Executive Committee member, for introducing the guest lecturers. Also, Christine Starkman, Curator of Asian Art at MFAH, and John Bradshaw, Acting Executive Director and Senior Director of Development at Asia Society Texas Center, were invaluable in helping to organize this event. Thanks also to Dr. Durga Agrawal, Trustee of India House, for his great help in bringing Dr. Nagendra to Houston.
India House, Inc. (O.P. Jindal Center) is a 501 ( c ) 3 organization located in Houston, Texas. India House is a non-religious, non-regional, non-political and non profit organization. Its mission is to unite cultures, create bridges, and serve human needs by bringing resources, education, services and India’s culture to Houstonians.
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