India House/SOS Continues the Life After Seminar Series: Demystifying Probate, Wills, Trusts & Other Planning Instruments
HOUSTON: India House and Share Our Secrets Organization (SOS.ORG), plan to conduct a free seminar on one of the most vexing issues faced by the retired and elderly. The seminar is scheduled to be held on Sunday, October 7, 2018 from 3 – 5.30 PM at the India House, 8888 Belfort Avenue, Houston, Texas.
During the two seminars conducted in 4th Quarter 2017 and 3rd Quarter 2018, on the topic of “Loss of a Spouse”, the attendees identified several topics of foremost concern and interest to our senior community. As a result of the feedback, SOS and India House are pleased to offer the next educational seminar on the broad topic of Estate Planning, including some specific issues raised by our seniors.
Two attorneys, well versed in this area, will present and participate in a panel discussion along with Mr. Biki Mohindra, who will cover legacy aspects relating to properties owned outside USA, particularly in India.
Experts will discuss importance of probate, how the process works, how to streamline this process by having clear and purpose-oriented wills, and other related documents. Inheritance and beneficiary aspects of probate and non-probate assets will be discussed with the background of community property state such as Texas.
Common types of wills and trusts will be briefly covered. The talks will also cover the need for Power of Attorney and Medical Directives to minimize family crisis when the need arises.
As in our past seminars, the event will conclude with a panel discussion allowing the attendees to raise questions. We encourage both spouses to attend the seminar and come prepared to gain maximum benefit from the seminar.
Our overall objective is to provide the attendees with a basic understanding of the benefits of estate planning, and the consequences to the family by a failure to plan, as well as a general idea of how Wills, Trusts, and related planning instruments work during life, disability, and beyond.
The information presented is for educational and informational purposes only. The information presented should enable the individuals to review their respective situation with their family and develop the most suitable set of documents with the aid of a professional or other resources that may be available.
Share Our Secrets (SOS) is an educational organization, which conducts a gamut of programs for educated young people and teaches them skills that are not taught in college curriculums, and enabling them to succeed in their careers. SOS also conducts various community outreach events, on topics of interest to Houstonians, and specifically for seniors that could benefit them in their retired lives.
India House is a community center which provides a myriad of services & activities, either free or at a highly discounted price, including Charity Clinic, Sareen Clinic, Yoga, Meditation, After School, Technology Classes for Seniors, Vedanta Study, Hindi Language, Sanskrit Language, Legal Consultations, Dance Classes, Cricket and informative/ educational seminars.
For further information, please contact one of the following:
SOS:, India House: vipin@indiahouseinc.og 713- 929-1900. To Register: