JVB Preksha Center Conducts 20th Family Retreat Camp in Austin
By Kuldeep Lunia
AUSTIN: Under the spiritual guidance and presence of Samani Malay Pragya ji and Samani Neeti Pragya ji, JVB Preksha Meditation Center, Houston conducted its 20th Annual 3-day Family Retreat Camp at Radha Madhav Dham (a 200-acre representation facility of Braj, India) in Austin, TX from April 15th to 17th 2022. About 125+ participants from the Greater Houston area, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, North Carolina, Orlando etc. places participated to enjoy the calm and scenic surroundings while nurturing their souls through powerful discourses, yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques.
The camp commenced on Friday by Pramod Bengani, Director of JVB Houston by delivering the welcome note. All attendees introduced themselves and their families, sharing their interests and eagerness to experience this special camp. After the introduction, Samani Malay pragyaji started the program with part 1 of her lecture series “Rejuvenate your mind”. Parallel session for Kids from ages 4 to 12 yrs. was also conducted by Samini Neeti Pragyaji on the topic “Do Good and Derive Good” and sessions for Youth from 13 to 18 yrs old was conducted by Shri Alok Jain on the topic “Why, What and How of Jainism”.
Saturday and Sunday morning sessions started with powerful “Bhaktamar” by Samani Neeti Pragyaji followed by Meditation and Pranayam by Samani Malay Pragyaji. Samaniji also explained briefly the importance of Pranayam and how it can help us in our daily life. The session indeed was recharging and filled everyone with positive energy. A parallel session was conducted by Samani Neeti pragyaji with kids for meditation and morning walk.
Samani Malay Pragyaji led 4 more interactive and learning sessions throughout the camp which included lectures, presentations and practical experiments on different meaningful topics of “Rejuvenate your mind”. How to Go higher, Go Deeper, Go Beyond and Break The Cycle, were a big hit. The participants of the camp have already started implementing this in their daily lives. Samanijis used everyday examples in their presentations, delivered tips that can be utilized to transform one’s habits via different discourses. The audience appreciated situational examples that they could relate to in their daily lives. Samani Malay Pragya ji appreciated the hard work of Samani Neeti Pragya ji in preparing the presentations. Each presentation took around 12 hours of hard work. Rajendraji Maru, a visiting scholar on Memory Improvement from Indore, India, shared his experience and discussed different ways to improve memory.