Kanya Sutra: The Essence of Womanhood
KATY: Kanya Sutra, The poetry of womanhood took place on Saturday April 5 in Katy. On an evening where fine arts lovers had plenty of other choices, the program drew a large eclectic crowd of music, dance and theater enthusiasts. The Bharatnatyam dance theater production is the first ever to explore parallels between a woman’s life hundreds of years ago, and the present. By weaving a tapestry of various strands, music, dance, poetry and contemporary narrative, Kanya Sutra took its audience on a journey both nostalgic and futuristic by asking the age old question “What has changed?”
This novel idea conceptualized by Gopika Balakrishna explored a woman’s journey starting with the innocent freedom of childhood and coming full circle in the freedom of peace in solitude. The presentation shifted the spotlight between the right and left sides of the stage, alternating the viewer‘s attention between ancient poetry in the form of Bharatnatyam dance delivered with masterful finesse by Gopika Balakrishna and compelling contemporary narrative by Neeta Patwardhan. Comparing the past and present through various life stages, Kanya Sutra rendered a vivid mosaic, illustrating the essence of womanhood.
Drawing on poetry from the 15th through 19th century and a relevant debate on the role of social media in the lives of teenagers and mothers in 2014, the intelligently crafted performance highlighted love as a common thread that stitches various chapters of womanhood into one common book of essential truths.
The program also included traditional Nritta items Jaithiswaram and Thillana, the hallmark of a traditional Bharatnatyam performance.
Visual images rendered compassionately through the subtle nuances of Abhinaya by Gopika Balakrishna and thought provoking prose by Neeta Patwardhan complemented and contrasted each other deftly.
Luckmi Pawa made an enthusiastic and engaging emcee for the evening.
The event was in support of Ekal Vidyalaya.