Katy Youth Cricketers Raise 10, 297 Meals for Houston Food Bank
KATY: Katy Youth Cricket (KYC) young cricketers between ages 6-14 years, who firmly believed in KYC’s mantra that “we have two hands, one for ourselves and second to help others”, participated in Houston Food Bank (HFB) – Hunger Game 2016 from 22 July – 6 August.
“Serving our neighbors and communities is the best way our young cricketers could have spent part of their summer holidays. KYC’s vision is to instill these values of community service and charitable giving, which would empower them to good Citizens” said Dhaval Mehta, President KYC. These young cricketers spent 124 hours volunteering at HFB Portwall Warehouse location. Instead of spending time elsewhere, these young cricketers decided to go around in their neighborhood collecting food donation and raising money to help those less fortunate in our community. “It was fun filled experience volunteering at Hunger Game to help those that are less fortunate in our community” said Anish Havalimane, 10 year old KYC cricketer.
Pride of doing community service to help others was evident on their face as they volunteered for multiple 3 hour shifts at HFB. Winston Churchill once said “we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” is KYC’s way of living life, said Milind Waghmare, KYC Parent Volunteer. Along with cricket coaching, KYC’s aim is to provide program that builds character, team work and promote healthy choices.
KYC, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit volunteer run organization based in Katy, provides an opportunity for young boys and girls to learn and play cricket through variety of skill based cricket coaching programs and participation in youth league in Houston and other cities of USA. KYC goal is to develop youth cricket from grass route level. KYC recently visited St. Louis to play a “Friendship Series” hosted by American Cricket Academy (ACA) and Club of St. Louis.
“KYC could not have achieved this success in last 3 years without support of our community based sponsors Vishala Grocers, KRB Dentistry, Omar Saeed Mass Mutual, Kurry Walah Restaurant, Lotus Mortgage, GEMS tutorial and AMFSS”, said Vijay Ahire, KYC Committee member. KYC is also thankful to Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers and City of Katy Park & Recreation department for promoting cricket.
For more information, contact Dhaval Mehta, at 832-525-8906, or Organizer@Katyyouthcricket.com