Krishna Janmashtami Celebrated by Meenakshi Temple

Dr S.G. Appan (Life time achievement award recipient) and Rajam Appan (left) in front of the Sri MTbooth at GRB Janmashtami.
By Mala Gopal
PEARLAND: Krishna Janmashtami, also known as Gokulashtami, is an annual celebration of the birth of Sri Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. Vishnu is said to descend in this avatar form to restore cosmic order. Of all the avatars, Krishna avatar appeals to all as the God is most approachable as a little child playing with all, as the object of love and devotion by the Gopis and as the wise counsel to Arjuna in teaching the essence of Vedas through the divine Bhagavad Gita in Mahabharata.
Sri Meenakshi temple, provided opportunity to celebrate the Krishna Janmashtami in different ways. First of the inception of this grand celebration was the special worship in the morning, “uriyadi” (breaking of pots containing gifts), the smearing of colors and children dressed as Lord Krishna. The breaking of the “pot” was artfully carried out with the modern day candy-filled piñata. Later, many children showcased their Krishna and Radha costumes as they excited the Ganesh Temple singing slokas, and bhajans. The parents were very enthusiastic with the costume displays and the wonderful time.
A special puja with Abhishekam was conducted on the Sri Jayanthi evening by Priests Sridharan Raghavan and Pavan Kumar Bhasyam, attended by number of devotees in the Main Sannadhi of Meenakshi Temple. The focus of celebration is the ritual puja, chanting of mantra and offering prasadam to all the devotees.

Children in Fancy dress in front of Ganesh Sannadhi On Gokulashtami getting ready for Uriadi at Meenakshi temple
Photos: Koushik Govindararajan
Sri Meenakshi Temple participated with the Hindus of Greater Houston in their annual Janmashtami celebration at the George R Brown center. MTS had a beautiful booth with the Kolu display. The proceedings of the GRB event started with the procession led by the MTS with the Chenda melam group leading it and the resplendent deity on the Garuda Vahana (vehicle of Lord Vishnu) being accompanied to the sounds of the drums and conch with very enthusiastic audience in celebratory mood. The MTS booth also proved popular with over thousand devotees stopping to get the darshan of the Lord Vishnu (Srinivasa permual with Sridevi and Bhoodevi) on the Garuda Vahana. Theertham and Sweets were distributed to all. The evening was topped with the Life time achievement awarded to one of our foremost exemplary MTS team member Dr. Appan who was present to receive the award with his wife Mrs. Rajam Appan.
We thank the Priests, Staff, Board members and Volunteers who had organized and participated in these celebrations of Sri Krishna Janmashtami celebrations in different ways to make it memorable to all.