Morton Lodge Presents Fifty Year Service Award to Raj Bhalla

Right Worshipful Charles Cupples, District Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District 108 (left) presents the award to Raj Bhalla while Secretary Jim Starks looks on.
HOUSTON: At the stated meeting of May 13, Raj Bhalla was awarded his fifty year service award. Raj was initiated on January 6, 1964, passed on May 7, 1964, and raised on June 4, 1964, all in Northern Star Lodge No. 21 in Ferozepore Cantonment in the Punjab of India. He came to the US in 1976 and affiliated with Paumanok-Port Washington No. 855 in New York where he served as its Worshipful Master. He moved to Texas and affiliated with Morton Lodge No. 72 in 1998.
Following the presentation by Wor. Jim Talbot and RW Charles Cupples, Raj shared his thoughts about his Masonic career. Morton Lodge is blessed to count his kind and gentle man as a friend and brother.