Ready for post-Diwali detox?
After indulging in fried foods and sweets, it’s time to help the body to recover. Ditch processed foods and opt for fruits and vegetables and lean protein
We spring clean our homes pre-Diwali and our bodies typically need the spring cleaning post-Diwali, thanks to the relentless onslaught of festival food that’s mostly sweet, fried or both. It is common to feel guilty for having overeaten and then feel bogged down and bloated post the festive season. Cleansing your body with a detox diet helps give your body the time to recover from poor dietary choices and lack of exercise during the festive season. It also gives your energy levels a shot in the arm. Here’s how to go about it:
Increase your water intake:
Keep sipping water (Ayurveda recommends lukewarm water) throughout the day, consuming up to 2 litres. Don’t gulp down water hastily as you may swallow air, which, in turn, causes bloating. Water helps the body to metabolize toxins better and flush them out. Start the day by sipping a tall glass of lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon juice in it.
Drink green tea:
After water, the next best drink that will help you detox is green tea. It is rich in antioxidants catechins. A 2007 study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention shows that chemicals in green tea can increase the production of detoxification enzymes in humans.
Choose natural and unrefined foods:
Wholegrain, organic, all-natural are your keywords here. This means no sugar, no refined flour, no store-bought baked goods and surely no fizzy drinks. Avoid readymade masalas and all other packaged foods during this period. Fruits and vegetables provide a range of nutrients and fibre that help with the detoxification process.
If you have access to organic produce, by all means go for it, or if you have the means to growing it yourself, nothing like it. Eating organic means your body has to work less to process the pesticides and other chemicals….
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