Tiger Ball 2018 Underwriter Party, Hosted By Sultana Mangalji

Honorees Sylvia & Gordon Quan ( left), Nancy Allen, Chevron’s Joni Baird, Asia Society Texas Center president Bonna Kol, Co-chair Sultana Mangalji.
Photos: Jenni Antill
The Tiger Ball Underwriter Party, held on February 7, at Hotel Icon, was hosted by Sultana Mangalji, one of the co-chairs. Many of Asia Society’s board members and new patrons were on hand to thank Sylvia and Gordon Quan (this year’s honorees) for their many years of dedication to this city and to Asia Society specifically. Dinner was a lavish affair and offered options from many different Asian cuisines, in all 4 corners of the room, in addition to a decadent array of desserts.

Honorees Sylvia & Gordon Quan and their children Patrick & Caroline Long and Kristen & Hunter Hammill.
The Tiger Ball is Asia Society Texas Center’s annual signature event and one of Houston’s most beloved annual society affairs, raising in excess of $1 million to support the organization’s ongoing educational and cultural programming. The tradition began in the 1990s and has grown over the years in both size and scope. This year’s gala, with Chevron as Presenting Sponsor, is scheduled for Saturday, March 3, at the Center’s iconic home at 1370 Southmore at Caroline in the heart of the beautiful Houston Museum District.
About Asia Society Texas Center
With 12 locations throughout the world, Asia Society is the leading educational organization promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among the peoples, leaders, and institutions of Asia and the west. Asia Society Texas Center executes the global mission with a local focus, enriching and engaging the vast diversity of Houston through innovative, relevant programs in arts and culture, business and policy, education, and community outreach.
For further details visit www.asiasociety.org/texas