Yoga at India House for Peace of Mind and Weight Reduction

Attendees participating during the Yoga session at India House on Tuesday, July 22.
Photo: Vanshika Vipin
By Vanshika Vipin
Acharya Shri Roop Chandraji Maharaj is an academician, a philosopher, a writer and a poet. This is in addition to the fact that he is also a renowned scholar of Jain studies. He has rendered extraordinary service to humanity and human development armed with a visionary zeal and total commitment. He has travelled within India as well as internationally to promote global peace, non-violence, universal brotherhood and spiritual values. Manav Mandir Trust is a place where Acharya ji has adopted more than 45-orphaned children. The Trust raises these children as its own providing accommodation, food, schools, extra-curricular activities, colleges – everything a child needs until he/she is ready to be independent. Acharyaji has also successfully practiced many methods of deep meditation. In the practice of mantra yoga, he has undergone the rare and profound experience of Samadhi. Through this experience, he has devised easy ways and means of giving solace and relief to the turbulent and tension ridden person of today. His Biography “Hans Akela” in a novel format was released by Pratibha Patil, the former president of India. In addition, he has written two dozens of books on religion, philosophy and poetry. On this tour of USA, Acharyaji is accompanied by two associates –Arun Tiwari, a Yoga Expert and Dr. Sohan Veer Singh, an Ayurveda and Reiki expert.
Swamiji started the Yoga session with the Om Mantra. He mentioned that he has been visiting Houston since 1991, and visited Jain center and Gujarati Samaj in his previous trips. This was his first time at India House. He focused on the question “ How do we get peace?” In spite of living in this country and having all the comforts we do not have peace of mind. We are attached to materialist things and that creates discomfort and takes us away from our natural self. He gave an apt example: A small boy goes to the mela (fair) and while holding his father’s hand, enjoys all the things in the mela. However, if he leaves his fathers hand, he will be lost so cannot enjoy the mela and then does not have peace of mind. In other words, both the mela and the father’s hand are important for his enjoyment and peace of mind. Likewise, there is no peace of mind in real world because people are only with materialist things and have lost their spiritual side.
Acharyaji was happy to notice that people in America are now making their kids aware of our language and our heritage, especially the spiritual heritage, which is very important for peace of mind. He explained the basic difference between the philosophy of Dharam (religion) and Vigyaan (Science). As per dharam, the father is ishwar (god), and as per vigyaan the father is bandar (apes). He emphasized that we need to take care of our heritage both in the US and in India. He quoted “ Kashti hamari doobi, ye gam tha, lekin is baat ka bhi gam tha, jaha doobi, waha paani kam tha”. Adding that seva (service) connects us with the entire world. He ended with a quote by Rabindranath Tagore “sun was about to set, so he called everyone and asked who will take my responsibility? Only a diya (lamp) came forward and said I will take responsibility of only how much I can” Therefore, if you cannot do lots, still do some of it and help from your side. It makes a lot of difference.
After Acharyaji’s lecture, Arun Tiwari took the stage and demonstrated various yoga postures on a chair and on the floor. He invited an eager audience to follow him in the yoga asanas. He advised the audience on sitting postures with a straight back. He performed the Gyan Mudra, which increases the capacity of lungs by improving the ability to inhale more air there by helping in brain nerve exercise. Tiwari also demonstrated a technique of getting rid of fatigue with postures that can easily be followed and performed even at a work desk. He showed the right ways of sitting on the floor and getting up. Yoga techniques for weight reduction were also demonstrated and were the key feature of the evening. Dr. Sohan Veer then took over with a very informative lecture on diet especially in the domain of Indian cuisine. In conclusion, Dr. Virendra Mathur, Trustee, India House, delivered the vote of thanks by acknowledging the contribution of Swamiji and his team as well as the audience. True to the healthy nature of the camp, India House served bananas and water as prasad to the camp attendees.
For further information and for upcoming events at India House contact Vipin Kumar at or 713-929-1900.