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Free Health Screenings and 100 Free Flu Shots Given Away at Life & Soul Health Fair 2013

HOUSTON: On the beautiful clear morning of Nov 9, Love to Share Foundation America (LTSFA) and Global Organization for Divinity’s third annual health fair – Life and Soul 2013 – was kicked off by the Honorable Mayors Delores Martin of Manvel and Tom Reid of Pearland, and Sheriff Deputies Dodd and Myriam who appreciated the […]

Ready for post-Diwali detox?

Ready for post-Diwali detox?

After indulging in fried foods and sweets, it’s time to help the body to recover. Ditch processed foods and opt for fruits and vegetables and lean protein We spring clean our homes pre-Diwali and our bodies typically need the spring cleaning post-Diwali, thanks to the relentless onslaught of festival food that’s mostly sweet, fried or […]

Grand Opening of Houston Ayurveda Center

HOUSTON: On Sunday, October 27 at 5:30 pm there was a special ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the official opening of the Houston Ayurveda Center’s new sacred space at 3222 Mercer (which moved from their previous location at 4100 Westheimer).  The Center had already been blessed because owner Sunita Tarkunde felt that was a priority so […]

Breast Cancer Explained in the Indian Context

By Jawahar Malhotra HOUSTON: The Indian American Cancer Network had its latest session this past Sunday afternoon, October 20 in conjunction with Volunteering Together for Service to present the latest information on breast cancer. The session was most appropriate as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and hundreds of people across the country are walking […]

Two cups of milk daily enough for most kids: study

Two cups of milk daily enough for most kids: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Two cups of cow’s milk per day may be enough for most kids to have the recommended amount of vitamin D in their blood while maintaining a healthy iron level, suggests a new study. “One of the common questions I get from parents when their kids become toddlers is, ‘how […]

How to keep your eyes healthy

How to keep your eyes healthy

Dr Keiki Mehta, eye surgeon gives us tips Protect the eyes from the sun. Sunglasses once thought of fashion accessory have now been proven to be essential for good eyesight .Ultraviolet light rays emitted from the especially UV-B is the most damaging to the crystalline lens and causes cataracts, corneal changes, andmacular degeneration. Regrettably all sunglasses cannot protect you unless […]

Ask Well: Relieving Sore Muscles

Ask Well: Relieving Sore Muscles

What’s the best way to relieve sore muscles? I am a 56-year-old woman who exercises at least an hour a day. I am sore a lot of the time. What is the best approach to reducing muscle soreness? I know about foam rollers, protein, ice baths Exercise could be described as Nietzschean. To make muscles […]

Top Health Tips for Computer Users

Top Health Tips for Computer Users

Your eyes need attention As you continuously work in front of a monitor, staring the screen for a long time, you are sure to strain your eyes. Many vision-related issues crop up because of long hours spent sitting in front of the computer. Taking breaks in between tasks, looking away from your screen, and maintaining […]

Cigarette pack health warnings ‘have little impact on teens

Cigarette pack health warnings ‘have little impact on teens

By medicalnewstoday Health warnings in the form of pictures or text on the back of cigarette packets are common in many countries, serving to deter smokers from the habit. But according to a new study, they have little impact on teen smokers. In the US, cigarette packets carry health warnings in the form of text […]

Why A.C.L. Injuries Sideline So Many Athletes

Why A.C.L. Injuries Sideline So Many Athletes

By Nytimes For athletes, few sounds are more ominous than the percussive pop that can signal a ruptured knee ligament. Tears to the anterior cruciate ligament sideline more athletes for longer periods of time than almost any other acute injury. Seasons, even careers, end when the A.C.L. tears. Until recently, however, researchers couldn’t explain why […]

How Exercise Can Help Us Sleep Better

How Exercise Can Help Us Sleep Better

As a clinical psychologist and sleep researcher at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, Kelly Glazer Baron  frequently heard complaints from aggrieved patients about exercise. They would work out, they told her, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, but they would not sleep better that night. Dr. Baron was surprised and perplexed. A fan of […]

David Raj Launches iEducate USA to Mentor School Kids

By Jawahar Malhotra HOUSTON: It is a measure of a man that he can stand ready to help others despite the difficulties that he himself faces. David Raj is a man in that situation who, despite a grave terminal cancer that is steadily sapping away at his strength, has decided to move forward with a […]

How Exercise Can Help Us Learn

How Exercise Can Help Us Learn

Over the past decade, in study after study in animals and people, exercise has been shown to improve the ability to learn and remember. But the specifics of that process have remained hazy. Is it better to exercise before you learn something new? What about during? And should the exercise be vigorous or gentle? Two […]

How Exercise Changes Fat and Muscle Cells

How Exercise Changes Fat and Muscle Cells

Exercise promotes health, reducing most people’s risks of developing diabetes and growing obese. But just how, at a cellular level, exercise performs this beneficial magic — what physiological steps are involved and in what order — remains mysterious to a surprising degree. Several striking new studies, however, provide some clarity by showing that exercise seems […]

Simple hair care regime for frizz-free days

Simple hair care regime for frizz-free days

London: Humidity and heat make hair frizzy. To ensure sleek tresses, avoid hair styling products, apply oil only on required areas of hair, and take more tips. Asgar, stylist to the stars, will tell you how to get rid of frizzy hair, reports femalefirst.co.uk. – Avoid styling products like hair spray and gels. They can […]

First ADHD brain wave test approved by FDA

First ADHD brain wave test approved by FDA

Diagnosing someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often a tricky science because it relies heavily on psychiatric and behavioral examinations. For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration has approved a device that could aid doctors by providing physical evidence for diagnosis. The Neuropsychiatric EEG-Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) System is the first […]

Pressure and Pain Can Barometric Pressure Cause Headaches and Other Discomforts?

Pressure and Pain Can Barometric Pressure Cause Headaches and Other Discomforts?

Q. What effect does the barometric pressure have on humans? Can it cause headaches and other discomforts? A. Differences in air pressure because of the weather or changes in altitude can have noticeable effects on the human body, though some people are more sensitive than others. Low barometric pressure can cause headaches by creating a pressure difference […]

Really? The Claim: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion

Really? The Claim: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion

For many people, the food-induced stupor that often follows a big meal is a good excuse for a nap. But for some, a brief walk shortly after eating is a quick way to burn some calories and aid digestion. Over the years, researchers have found that a post-meal walk, as short as 15 minutes, can […]

AAPI Launches Childhood Obesity Awareness Program

By Nand Kapoor CHICAGO: “With obesity proving to be a major epidemic affecting nearly one third of the nation’s population, we have a responsibility to save future generations by decreasing childhood obesity,” Dr. Jayesh Shah, president of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), said. Dr. Shah, who assumed charge of AAPI during […]

There’s proof: Sunscreen reduces skin aging

There’s proof: Sunscreen reduces skin aging

(CNN) — It turns out sunscreen does more than protect you from cancer and painful sunburns — it offers a boost to simple vanity. A new study finds that regular sunscreen use protects against photoaging: the wrinkling, spotting and loss of elasticity caused by exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. While they may not be shocking, the findings […]